Last year we delivered...
- 9,774 visits, contacts and communications by Support and Outreach Officers.
- 1,003 grants
- 3,654 Members, family members and carers took part in face-to-face and virtual activities
- 152 New Members
22 pence of every pound of income generated in 2022 will be spent to raise funds for our Members in 2023.

I joined Blesma as soon as I was injured – they were by my bedside from the very beginning. They’ve helped me out with practical things, like adaptations to my house, and they’ve been there with emotional support, too. I’m planning on sailing around the coast of Britain soon, and they have helped me buy the sails for my boat. Blesma has given me the strength to move forwards with my life, and I’m incredibly grateful to them for that.
Afghanistan veteran and TRIPLE amputee Craig Wood
We can help
We are dedicated to assisting serving and ex-Service men and women who have suffered life-changing limb loss or the use of a limb, an eye or sight. We support these men and women in their communities throughout the UK. Click the link below to find out the different kinds of support we offer.
Get Support- Download our annual report
- View our impact video